The Shift® Culture and Strategy


Organization-wide Culture and DEI strategy

As the CEO or leader in your organization, you’ve seen firsthand the shifts that have taken place in the workplace over the last few years.

From the ongoing pandemic to shifts in how and where people work best, your organization is faced with the question:


How do we build a truly inclusive culture that lasts?

You want your organization to be a place where everyone can thrive — and where diversity, equity, and inclusion are centered. But you know that “simple” DEI policies and enforcement aren’t enough. Having multiple DEI consultants, creating a committte, or even hiring a DEI officer on staff hasn’t worked.

That’s because you need a strategy, one that ensures DEI is embedded at the very center of your organization, and you need buy-in and engagement across the entire organization. 

How do you do that?

By making a Shift®️.

How the Shift® Accelerator works

1 year
1 plan
Whole org.

We’ve crafted our DEI accelerator to be a year-long program that shifts your organization from one that lacks a people-focused culture… and turns it into an organization with a business culture where people want to stay.

Over the course of one year together, we’ll work across your entire organization to create a culture shift while also teaching you the strategies and tools to sustain the shift beyond this current moment in time.

Plus, rather than spending money on different programs, hiring more employees, or a revolving door of consultants, you can pay for one program and get the foundation your organization needs.

Less cost, more impact.

Schedule an Exploration Call with Our Team

Choose Your Start Date

Identify Your Core Learning Experiences

Participate in Organizational Onboarding to the Full Program Experience


Choose Your Organization’s Shift® Education Space Time

Begin the Journey

What to expect in

Our focus is on whole-systems change, which means that your entire team  will be engaged in this comprehensive program.

You’ll be assigned a dedicated partner from the TIP team. This ensures continuity and a deeper understanding of your organization.

Set the time for your organization’s work to take place over the course of the program. During this time, different groups across your organization will engage in “the work.”

You will always know when learning spaces are happening, and the work is spread out across the organization so that everyone participates without taking too much of their time.

The First Sprint

Once you’ve established your Shift® learning times, your organization will spend the first couple of months of our partnership focusing on…

Deeply understanding what it means to embed DEI as a core value and strategy, not an initiative or program.

Developing your Culture Shift Vision Statement, principles, and positioning approach.

Evaluating which efforts are already supporting a positive culture and how to build on them.

Customizing your roadmap, learning, and implementation strategies so everyone is engaged.

The roadmap we provide during your onboarding will give you a strategy for the next two years — but you can begin to see changes as soon as you have a target to move toward.

The timeline for The Shift® Accelerator

The work your organization wants to do is not an overnight project. Building an inclusive culture takes time and dedication.  But we have the roadmap to help you make DEI truly impactful and sustainable.

That’s why the Accelerator is a 1-year program, with an option to extend into a second year for deeper implementation work with us.

Click below to see your outcomes after each year:

Year 1: Shift® Culture and Strategy Accelerator

By the end of Year 1 together, your organization will:

  • Have established the foundational infrastructure and strategy for a truly inclusive culture 
  • Know how to center DEI across your people and business functions
  • Engage your entire team in learning spaces that help them embed DEI into their daily work
  • Have a clear plan for adapting to changes and engaging everyone in the work
  • Create systems for onboarding and training new team members into your practices
Year 2: Shift® Impact Accelerator

You’ll also have the option to engage with us as an implementation partner in a second year of work. In year two, we will:

  • Implement your defined strategy and plan with coaching support from us
  • Deepen engagement on bringing your culture principles to life to create spaces of belonging
  • Develop a sustainable, long-term plan that removes the need for a DEI Lead, Council, or Program

Want to see how you can extend the work and measure it’s impact? Click here!

The Shift® (Year 1) by month: Outcomes to expect

Curious about what you’ll achieve each month in the Accelerator? Here is what our partner organizations achieve as they follow our roadmap:

Please note that, during our time together, we’ll be engaging people across your organization, which means that these meetings, trainings, and outcomes will be dependent on which department or team we’re currently working with.

Outcomes are happening asynchronously throughout your organization, but this roadmap is a rough outline of what will be happening over our time together.

  • Develop DEI Culture Shift Vision Statement
  • Integrate DEI into your existing Organizational strategy (or develop a new one, if it’s time!)
  • Complete a Culture Climate Assessment

  • Develop Guiding Principles and Positioning Approach
  • Complete HR and People Equity Assessments
  • Establish Team Culture Goals
  • Develop a Year-One DEI Strategic Plan

  • Customize a Culture Roadmap Based on Assessment and Principles
  • Begin Leadership Development Sessions
  • Begin designing Equity-Building Strategies for your HR and People Systems
  • Engage in All-Staff Culture Development Sessions

  • Create 2-Year Roadmap Implementation Strategy
  • Continue Leadership Development Sessions
  • Continue Integrating Equity-Building Strategy into HR and People Systems
  • Continue All-Staff Culture Development Sessions

  • Finalize 2-Year Roadmap Implementation Strategy
  • Custom Toolkit for Continued Learning & Development
  • Establish a Process and Dashboard for Measuring Roadmap Progress

What comes next?

Your work as a DEI-centered organization is never done. Once you’ve got your cultural foundations and cross-department change initiated, it’s time to develop a plan for impact. How is the work you’re doing positively impacting your employees, your organization, and those it serves? 

This is where the strategy and culture piece of your DEI strategy shifts — into impact and measurement.

Year 2: The Shift® Community & Impact Accelerator.*

The deep, extensive change you want to make in your organization can’t be made in a day; not even a year. That’s why our Culture & Strategy Accelerator “graduates” have the option to extend into a second year with Tayden.

During your second year with our consultancy, you’ll build a sustainable strategy, evaluate community partnership, and identify metrics that show how well your DEI and culture efforts are working.

This is where the deep strategy and development work starts to come to fruition — and changes the way your organization operates for good.


* The Community & Impact Accelerator is ONLY available to organizations who’ve graduated from the Culture & Strategy Accelerator.

Optional extension for Year 2

  • Follow-up on Climate Assessment
  • Community Asset-Mapping and gap analysis
  • Leadership Coaching Sessions
  • Program and External Impact Sessions

  • Community engagement plan developed
  • Develop DEI Culture Leadership Toolkit
  • Develop HR and People Equity Toolkit
  • Program and External Impact Sessions
  • Develop DEI measurements for community engagement

  • Community partnership toolkit
  • Develop team culture toolkit
  • Leadership Coaching Sessions
  • Integrate Equity-Building Strategies into each Business Function

  • Year 1 Roadmap Implementation Priorities Completed
  • Sustainability Strategy for Continued Roadmap Integration
  • Sunset DEI Council/Committee

Why is the Shift® Accelerator a 1-year process?

We recognize culture work can’t be done overnight. So do you.

Your organization’s commitment to its people and its culture is not short-lived, and you understand the amount of work that goes into creating a deep and long-lasting impact.

Our biggest priority at Tayden Impact Partners is to ensure you have the structure, systems, and tools to keep going with your culture shift. We recognize that, while this may not be a quick solution, it is a concrete, proven, and guided framework that offers your organization long-term, sustainable change.


It’s time for a shift in your organization, and we’re here to help you do the real, lasting work.

Schedule your Shift® exploration call

Ready for a Shift®? We’re ready to help. To move forward, simply book your exploration call date at the link below. On this call, we’ll learn more about your organization, and you’ll have a chance to ask us questions.

Let’s see if Tayden Impact Partners is the DEI partner for your organization.

FAQs about the Shift® Accelerator

Can my organization just consult with TIP’s team?

We do have a 1-day experience, which will introduce you to our Shift® Roadmap and give you a plan to implement these changes yourself. The 1-day Shift® Roadmap is designed to create a community space for foundational learning and roadmap-building so that you can learn with your team and other incredible organizations.

Is there any way to shorten the 1- or 2-year timeline?

After piloting the Accelerator with organizations, we have found that rushing through the process leads to ineffective outcomes and teams finding themselves in the same place they started. Meaningful shifts in behaviors and approaches take time, and we would be doing a disservice to your organization by attempting to shorten our proven process.

Because we’ll be working so closely with TIP, we may be sharing confidential or IP information. Will there be an NDA involved?

Yes, in our contract, we have a clear statement that we will not publicly share the data we collect or conversations we engage in without your permission.

Do we have a dedicated guide throughout the Shift® process?

You’ll have a primary consultant partner that will guide you through the process from start to finish. It’s important to us that we deeply understand you, your team, and your culture; this leads to a more meaningful and consistent process.

How often will we connect with the TIP team to ensure we’re making the right progress?

We will have quarterly stepback sessions where we’ll review the progress made and discuss what’s working and what’s not so that we can adjust as you’re moving along the journey. We’ll also preview what’s ahead for the next quarter.

Can we just have our DEI council or representatives involved? Do we need to have everyone on the team involved?

We have found that having just a council or representatives involved in this process means that 10% or less of the organization understands and is committed to the whole-systems change process. This work requires everyone and cannot be placed on the shoulders of just a few folks.

How do I identify our core Accelerator participants?

While many teams immediately think to include members of their current DEI council, we encourage you to think differently about the core team who’ll be involved in the Accelerator. In building your DEI and culture strategy, you are thinking about whole-systems change — and that requires being ready to engage everyone across your team. Consider creating a cross-functional team of individuals across different levels, including your C-Suite, different departments, and business functions.

What measurable outcomes can we expect from our time with TIP?

Generally, we are looking for shifts in retention, recruitment, turnover, team engagement, and how people describe and experience the work culture. 

Can we hire TIP to implement all of the work for our organization?

Our entire Shift® framework is built as a done-with-you process. As such, you will be expected to complete pre- and post-work for all of your sessions, and you’ll be responsible for the outcomes. Our Shift® sessions are designed to include important stakeholders because true change has to come from within the organization.

Schedule your exploration call today

We’re here to help your organization shift to meet today’s challenges — and to create a culture that sets you apart in your industry. If you are interested in diving deep and doing the work with a DEI partner with extensive experience, schedule an exploration call. 

You can also email us at if you have questions before booking.