Your 1-Day DEI Strategy: 

The Shift® Roadmap

Create a plan to shift your organization’s DEI & culture today.

You know your organization is falling behind — you’re losing talented people, your team isn’t seeing improvements from past DEI initiatives, and you are navigating changes in your industry. 

You need a roadmap to help you adapt stronger DEI practices and evolve your culture, fast.

That’s why we created The Shift® Roadmap, our 1-day DEI strategy session for impact- and mission-driven organizations with less than 1,000 employees.

In one day, we’ll introduce you to the Shift® Roadmap, which will detail the steps you need to take internally to evolve your organization over the next two years. You’ll also work on your organization’s overall vision for your people, so you have a “North Star” for the strategies and changes you’ll be making.

This work can’t be done overnight, but you can learn what to do in less than a day with our Shift® Roadmap one-day DEI strategy experience.

How the Shift® Roadmap works

1 day
5 people

Select your date from our available sessions


Block off your day — we’ll be together (virtually) from 10am to 3pm CT

Bring 5 participants of your core team to our session

Work virtually alongside other organizations as they deep-dive into our Shift® Roadmap

Access and use our Shift® Roadmap guide and workbook

Engage in three working sprints that involve teaching, reflection, and team discussion time, and hands-on work

You’ll also receive real-time coaching to review your workbook progress and questions you/your team have

Immediately following your Shift® roadmap session, your organization will…

Better understand what it means to embed DEI as a core value and not an initiative

Know how to embed DEI principles into your organizational strategic design and annual planning  process

Know what is not working for people and how to make changes that actually last
Know how to engage everyone, and how to embed DEI into your practices for real impact

Once your session is complete, the deeper work begins. The roadmap we introduce you to will give you a strategy for the next two years — but you can begin to see changes as soon as you have a target to move toward.

After your 1-day experience, you’ll have: 

A clear process to begin auditing teams, systems, and more to ensure alignment to DEI values
A solid framework for building out your vision & guiding principles for your DEI Culture Shift
A plan to engage your entire team in the process, and a guide for those first critical conversations
Metrics by which to measure your DEI & culture shift impact, so you know you’re on the right track

Book your 1-day Shift® Roadmap!

Ready for a Shift®? We’re ready to help. To move forward, simply book your Roadmap date at the link below. You’ll be prompted to sign the contract and pay your invoice, and we’ll see you at your session!

Remember to invite 5 core members of your team and block off everyone’s calendars from 10am to 3pm CT. It may also help to book the entire day, so you can collect your thoughts after our session, too. Please bring a copy of your organization’s current core values and any recent team culture survey summaries, if applicable.

FAQs about the 1-day Shift® Roadmap

Can my organization just work 1:1 with TIP’s team?

While we don’t offer the 1-day strategy experience to individual organizations, we do have options for you to engage with us through our full Shift® Accelerator program. The 1-day experience is designed to create a community space for foundational learning and roadmap-building so that you can learn with your team and other incredible organizations.

Do other organizations hear our organization’s challenges or IP? If so, will there be an NDA involved?

After we’ve dived deeper into each concept, you’ll spend time in breakout sessions with your core team in mini-working groups, so you can discuss your own organization’s journey privately. No private or IP information will be exchanged in front of the other organizations’ teams.

What happens after our session? Are there any follow-ups?

After your session, your core team will schedule a 60-minute debrief session with our team, in order to answer any questions you may have on next steps. We want to ensure you’re prepared to launch your roadmap. 

What is the 1-day experience like? Is it collaborative, or more like a training?

This 1-day journey is about engaging in a process where you’re not just sitting and receiving information. Rather, we’ve designed these 1-day experiences so you and your core team are actively engaging in a process that helps you make DEI and culture shifts immediately. 

During our time together, you’ll have time to reflect, share ideas, begin to work through templates, and engage in real-time coaching. This way, you can hit the ground running at the end of the day. We don’t believe “ sit and get” trainings are effective.

How do I identify our 5 core participants?

While many teams immediately think to include members of their current DEI council, we encourage you to think differently about the core team who’ll attend this training. In building your DEI and culture strategy, you are thinking about whole-systems change — and that requires being ready to engage everyone across your team. Consider creating a cross-functional team of individuals across different levels, including your C-Suite, different departments, and business functions.

Book your 1-day DEI strategy session today

We’re here to help your organization shift to meet today’s challenges — and to create a culture that sets you apart in your industry. If you want to join our 1-day experience, book your session below.

You can also email us at if you have questions before booking.